Babies cry for many reasons. They might cry because they are hungry, wet or just uncomfortable. When your baby cries, he or she is trying to tell you something. Since babies canít talk, crying is the only way they have to tell you that something is wrong. Itís your job as a parent to figure out what that is, and sometimes that can be a really hard job.
Babies cry the most during the first three months of their lives. This is probably because with some practice, you will become better at figuring out what your baby wants. For example, when my son was a baby, he often cried for attention. Once I realized that he often just wanted to be held, it was a lot easier to get him to stop crying. Most of the time, all I had to do was pick him up.
The most common reasons that a baby cries is because she is hungry, or because she needs to be changed. When your baby starts crying, it is a good idea to check her diaper first. If her diaper doesnít need to be changed, thereís a good chance that the baby is hungry. Try offering the breast or bottle and see if she takes it.
Babies will also cry if they are in pain. The babyís cry is often louder and more urgent in this case. This type of crying is often caused by colic. Colicky babies sometimes respond well to white noise, such as a vacuum cleaner or staticky television set. Babies may also cry if they are wearing clothing that is itchy or pokey, if they are feeling sick, or if their teeth are starting to come in.
For teething babies, try letting the baby chew on a toy that is made for teething. These toys often have liquid inside and can be frozen in the freezer. The cold feels good on the babyís sore gums. Also, keep some Baby Orajel handy, even before you think you need it. This is a medication that numbs the babyís gums to keep him them from hurting.
Sometimes babies cry because they can sense that the people around them are anxious or stressed. They may also cry if they are startled, or even if they are just bored. Babies require a lot of interaction with people. Your baby might just need to be held or rocked. Other things you can try to help soothe your baby are singing to him or putting him in a baby swing. Some parents find that their babies cry less if they put them in carrier that is strapped to the parentís body. And if all else fails, there arenít too many babies that donít fall sound asleep if you take them for a ride in the car.
Why Is My Baby Crying?