There are lots of fun and exciting things taking place at the typical baby shower, but one of the most memorable and most exciting parts of any baby shower are the games the guests get to play. Everyone loves to play games, and the right baby shower games can turn even the most ordinary baby shower into a memorable event.
The right baby shower games can help to break the ice and allow guests to get to know each other better. Baby showers tend to bring together widely divergent circles of friends, from family members to coworkers to old and new friends. Playing games is a great way to let everyone relax and enjoy this joyous occasion. Some of our favorite baby shower games include:
Ø The Nursery Rhyme Game – This game pits guests against each other in a fun contest to see who can name the most nursery rhymes. Additional points can be given for reciting them from memory. This is a great game for allowing guests to relive their own childhoods while getting ready to welcome the new addition.
Ø Baby Scrabble – Get out the old Scrabble board, but limit the words to those which are related to pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing. This game can be a great way to stoke everyone’s imagination and creativity.
Ø A Baby Related Word Scramble – If a Scrabble board is not available, a word scramble makes a good substitute. Give each guest a set of letters and ask them to come up with as many baby related words as they can.
Ø Baby Charades – This game gives a new twist to this old favorite. Think of a word or phrase related to babies or child rearing and enjoy the fun as everyone tries to guess.
No matter what type of games you choose, it is important to tailor the games you plan to the tastes of the guests, and of course the guest of honor. Taking into account such things as the ages of the guests and their interests is a great way to make sure that everyone has a fun and memorable time.
Some Unique Baby Shower Games