Diaper rash is the bane of all parents. Whether your little one sails blissfully through infancy with nary a mark on his bottom, only to suddenly break out once he starts chowing down on solid food, or has problems right from the get go, you can treat it.
Obviously, the best way to deal with diaper rash is to avoid it all together, but since that often isn’t possible, here are a few tips to keep your child’s behind nice and pain-free.
- Let the rash air out. Take your baby’s diaper off and let her run around naked for a while. The fresh air will help heal the rash.
- Use a diaper rash cream at the slightest sign of irritation to prevent the problem from getting out of hand.
- Change your child’s diaper frequently. Don’t let him sit in a wet diaper for any length of time while he has a rash.
- Make sure your baby is getting enough liquids and isn’t eating a lot of acidic food. This can cause more irritation in the diaper area.
- Try switching diaper brands if your little one frequently suffers from this problem. It could be that a chemical in the diaper is causing problems.
- Avoid using wet wipes. These are handy, but the chemicals in even the gentle aloe ones can be irritating to sensitive skin. Use a washcloth and water instead.
If a diaper rash persists, you might want to talk to your doctor about what you can do to get rid of it. He may know of a stronger rash cream that will work. However, by using the tips above, your little one should be rash free in a couple of days.
Tips for Beating Diaper Rash