  • 45 gr of The Laughing Cow cream cheese
  • 105 gr of celery
  • 65 gr of potato
Step 1
Remove the rather thick white base and the leaves of the branch celery, wash the stalks and leave them to soak for a few minutes in water with a little vinegar. Cut them into pieces.
Step 2
Peel and wash the potato, then cut into small 1cm cubes.
Step 3
Place the potatoes in the steamer basket.
Step 4
Place the celery in the steamer basket.
Step 5
Put water in tank 2 and start cooking.
Step 6
Set aside the cooking juice.
Step 7
Pour the content of the basket into the blending bowl.
Step 8
Place the Laughing Cow cheese into the blending bowl.
Step 9
Add a part of the cooking juice depending of the desired texture.
Step 10
Blend the bowl content.