Bravado Designs 無痕瑜珈哺乳胸圍 - 炭灰色
Body Silk Seamless 無痕瑜珈哺乳胸圍,十分適合日常生活使用。它是低運動量,如瑜伽、普拉提、走路、帶孩子時使用胸圍的最佳選擇,或僅作為日常穿戴的胸圍亦是十分合適。
- Silver Breeze™ 技術可防止有氣味的細菌的滋生。保持胸圍的清爽、無異味 非常柔軟順滑、無痕、無鋼圈,更增添舒適度
- 4 向彈力面料可以完全包裹住您正在變化的胸型
- 運動型款式設計, 時尚美觀
- 非常適合孕期和哺乳期使用
- 可轉換交叉背帶
- 可拆式內置胸墊幫助塑造美麗胸型及為乳頭提供舒適保護
- 簡單的字母尺寸標註 專有設計、單手輕鬆開合的 Bravado “B” 型回針扣
- 全掀型罩杯設計,方便與寶寶親密接觸
- 胸圍轉換小配件,當哺乳期過後,可以將哺乳胸圍變為日常用的胸圍
- 此款式已經過測試並获得 Oeko-Tex® 100 標準認證,確保產品不含有害物質
物料 (不包括包邊位置):
我們的產品號碼: 185690

Tara Timms
Love this bra!
Reviewed on: 2020-04-10
Verified Purchase
I found this bra great for late stage pregnancy, very comfy. Enough support doing low impact exercise. Has then been excellent for breastfeeding, easy to clip on/off. Washes well. Highly recommend!

Katherine Kok
Loved it
Reviewed on: 2020-03-27
Verified Purchase
Very comfortable and durable

Tara Timms
Love this bra!
Reviewed on: 2020-04-10
Verified Purchase
I found this bra great for late stage pregnancy, very comfy. Enough support doing low impact exercise. Has then been excellent for breastfeeding, easy to clip on/off. Washes well. Highly recommend!

Katherine Kok
Loved it
Reviewed on: 2020-03-27
Verified Purchase
Very comfortable and durable